An Issue of Obedience

An Issue of Obedience

Pastor Cho’s letter


Our obedience matters. Why do we think so? We don’t obey God to gain brownie points or so that our good deeds stack up higher than the bad ones. Similarly, we shouldn’t obey God for fear of angering Him. The primary reason for obedience is that God uses us to reveal himself to others. Every day, we’re faced with little choices, “Will I obey God or will I not?” Depending on what you decide to do at that fleeting moment, your life may or may not impact another person’s. When you know in your heart that the Spirit is prompting you, that is an opportunity to spring into action.

We should see this as the subject of gratitude and thanksgiving. Paul says, “We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ (1 Thess. 1:2, 3). Notice that Paul is constantly remembering to thank God for the members who are ministering the gospel; meaning that Christians are vessels and catalysts to the blessings of God on others.

After a bit of reflection of the times when I was thankful, I am shameful to admit that I’m more likely to thank God for His blessings but not for the people who were the agents of the good deeds. That’s why Paul says to “constantly remember” not just the blessings of God but also the people God has used. It takes devotion to thank God, but it takes obedience to thank others.

Let’s take this one step further. The purpose of God’s followers is not only to receive blessings but to become the vessels of blessings. We are called to produce more thankfulness in others. Isn’t that an awesome picture? People are thanking God because they see God through the work of your hands, generosity, and self-sacrifice. Your decision to be a vessel has a huge impact on how you affect the lives of other people. This isn’t easy, and that’s why it takes obedience. How we obey God today could very well be God’s way of answering somebody else’s prayers.