That "Tingly Feeling"

That “Tingly Feeling”

Pastor Cho’s letter


Christmas is a highlight in the life of most children and adults, but much of the highlight is focused on what we get. Guilty as charged! Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! I get this tingly feeling that starts in the chest area, slowly migrates to my arms, and ends up at my fingertips. No, it’s not frost bite or fingers singing on a cup of tea. Do you think it might because of the gifts under the Christmas tree?  Yes (just being honest)!

As a former Christmas-consumer, the tingly feelings went away as I learned that gifts were overrated. Many experiences led me to this realization. I recall the most memorable gift I ever got – it was a watch. But later I was thinking… are they trying to tell me that I’m always late?  That tingling feeling became a sinking feeling. 

 Acts 20:35 tells us to remember “the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” In fact, Christmas is really about giving. God has given his ALL – His precious Son to the world. This gift is so good, so deep, so loving that it “will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). It’s a gift that out-gives in every conceivable way. There ARE blessings in giving. 

As we near the end of 2018, I challenge you to give thanks to the Giver, and become like the Giver. It’s only logical that we ought to thank the person who gave the gift. This may not be easy but we are asked to give thanks in all circumstances. So take time this season to be in a state of meditation and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior.

Not only should we give thanks, but we ought to become like the Giver. Consider giving to the combined budget of our church. The church is the 

vessel where the grace of God can reach more people

than you can individually. Various ministries are touching and transforming people’s lives. (More on this in the next  newsletter). As you become like the Giver, consider giving to others. There are many around us who have needs – emotional, physical, and spiritual. Your gift of time and treasure can alter the direction of people’s lives, and bring God’s glory on earth.

   Many years ago, one of my children brought home a slip of paper from school. On it there was brief introduction of a boy named Oscar, 12 years old, shoe size 8, etc. Oscar wished for an mp3 player for Christmas. So my child said, “Ok, I would like to get him one.” So, as a family, we decided to make some sacrifices, and gifted a boy named Oscar a Christmas he’d never forget. I got that tingly feeling again.